Find Out if You Have SF MRA Funds
Check if You Have Funds
What is SF City Option?
In San Francisco, local laws require many employers to provide health benefits for eligible employees. San Francisco City Option is a health benefit program that employers choose for workers.
Your San Francisco Medical Reimbursement Account (SF MRA) is a benefit within the SF City Option program. Funds in an SF MRA can be used to reimburse you, your spouse or domestic partner, and your dependents for eligible health care expenses.
Find Out If You Have SF MRA Funds
Many workers in San Francisco are unaware that they have health care funds in an SF MRA from a past or current employer. Find out if you have SF MRA funds waiting for you.
Check the SF MRA Funds Finder to see if you have existing funds to cover health care expenses for you and your family.

What Happens After I Set Up My Account?
You will receive a SF MRA Welcome Letter, email, and call within 1-3 weeks of submitting your enrollment form.
Submit claims for health and wellness expense reimbursements.
Discover wide range of health and wellness eligible expense
- Premiums
- Vision services
- Lab tests
- Activity trackers
- Doctor’s visits
- Dental care
- Baby formula
- And more
Your San Francisco Medical Reimbursement Account (SF MRA) is a benefit within the SF City Option program. Funds in an SF MRA come from the employer. These funds can be used to reimburse you, your spouse or domestic partner, and your dependents for eligible health care expenses.
employers to provide a health benefit for their eligible employees. Your SF MRA is a real benefit provided to you within the SF City Option program.
The City and County of San Francisco established SF City Option and SF MRA to help workers in San Francisco achieve and maintain good health. The City and County of San Francisco continue to oversee both SF City Option and SF MRA.
An employer participating in the program deposits funds to SF City Option on behalf of eligible employees. Your employer should give you a Health Care Payment Confirmation Notice to notify you of the deposit they made. Next, you must enroll in SF MRA. Your funds cannot be accessed until you enroll in the SF MRA benefit. If enrollment is approved, you will receive an SF MRA welcome letter listing your account number and other important details.
Yes, you can still use the funds in your SF MRA after you no longer work for the employer who made the SF MRA deposits.
Yes, you can still access your SF MRA account and submit claims for eligible expenses, even if you move out of state or to another country.
There are a wide variety of expenses that are eligible for reimbursement for not only you but your family members. These include health insurance premiums, doctor visits, prescriptions, dental expenses, glasses and contact lenses, lab tests, cold medicine, first-aid supplies, and much more! Some of the eligible expenses might surprise you! Visit our Eligible Expense page to see the full list of what’s covered.
SF MRA funds can be used to reimburse you, your spouse or domestic partner, and your dependents for eligible health care expenses.
Check the SF MRA Funds Finder to see if you have existing funds to cover health care expenses for you and your family.
You must first enroll in the SF MRA. Your funds cannot be accessed until you enroll in the SF MRA benefit. If your enrollment is approved, you will receive an SF MRA welcome letter listing your account number, important details, and next steps to follow to access your funds. Find out how to enroll.
No. You can only use the funds for eligible health and wellness reimbursements.
Yes. You do not have to have papers to access the funds, and this does not affect your immigration status. We are not connected to ICE or law enforcement in any way.
No. You can be reimbursed by check, which can be cashed without a bank account.
You can email email [email protected] to get more information about your account, your benefits, or the enrollment process.